I really don’t like to get political or religious. You cannot argue with the religious because, well, they’re crazy. Let’s just get that out right now. Now, I am not saying that’s a bad thing. We all believe in something crazy. For some it’s that there’s an imaginary being in the sky that knows all and see’s all. For others it’s Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. For me, it the Flying Spaghetti Monster. So for me to criticize others for their ridiculous belief’s is really unfair. What I do criticize them for though, is their constant denial of the damage they due to the world and have continued to do so since the day they were conceived.
Then there’s politics, again, I really don’t like to get in to it. There’s the right, the left and then me. Both sides are so pathetically flawed it’s shameful. Ya got one side that is so filled racists and bigots and homophobes who admittedly have put the need to win the election over the economy. Then the other side is so filled with people that sometimes forget that not all of mankind thinks alike. Hate is not logical and it’s not always predictable. Being prepared for it always, is always a top priority.
So what have these two groups done to piss me off? Well, let’s start with Muslim and the Christian. Yesterday I read on CNN’s blog about a Christian (Robert P. George, a professor at Princeton University) and a Muslim, (Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, co-founder of Zaytuna College, a Muslim school) that managed to put aside their differences to fight a common evil. When I first heard that, I was so impressed. So many issues with these two groups. Maybe now someone within their religions are going to stand up and take responsibility for the terrorist actions of their organizations. Maybe today is the day they finally stand up and say enough is enough, in order to maintain peace we must put aside our differences and let each other live they way they want to as long they do not violate the rights of others. That’s all it would take. So simple but for religion, it goes against their core beliefs.
As it turns out, I was wrong. The Christian and The Muslim got passed their differences to once again pass the buck. To blame the woes of society on someone else’s shoulders. The serious problem that got these two morons together, wasn’t a search for peace between the two religions, it wasn’t to stop the terrorism the two religions support. No, the great problem in their eyes is hotel porn.
Really? Hotel porn? That’s what brought you together? That’s what is tearing our society apart? Is this really a problem? I didn’t think so, I mean I have never stayed at a hotel where I was forced to order the porn. I was never even asked. Sure it’s there and available, but if you don’t like, don’t watch it. Pretty simple. How is this a problem? The simple answer is that it’s not a problem. It’s just once again a matter of religion try to force itself upon everyone.
Still though I thought about it. I came up with this offer instead. Christians and Muslims, stop killing people! You can’t be part of a community that supports terrorism, bigotry, racism, sexism and pretty much ever other kind of ism and justify it by saying, “Uh, well, those are just extremest! Nothing we can do about that?” Yes there is! Fight them! Tell the world that you will not rest until you have removed all the haters from your community.
If I was part of a group that I truly believed in, let’s make it simple. The Cub Scouts of America. Let’s say that they didn’t allow gay kids in the scouts. I would fight that ruling! I wouldn’t stop until I won or I could not win, then I would have to accept that the scouts just aren’t for me. That I was wrong to believe in them. That maybe I should I create my own scouts type program. One where things like freedom of religion or the lack of it were accepted. Where ones sexual orientation didn’t matter.
Can you do this? Can you for one moment step back and see that so many of the worlds problems have nothing to do with porn, smoking, drugs or teen sex. That the these are just a matter of opinion. They are neither right or wrong. They just are. However, killing people that disagree with you is 99% of the time wrong. Raping children is wrong 100% of the time. These are the things you do and you support whether you want to admit it or not. Can you understand that your religion is causing most of the worlds problems? It’s not porn or teen sex or violence on TV. It’s not rap music or rock & roll. It is religion, it has always been religion. It’s the number killer of all time. You want every one to live under your rules, while your organizations doesn’t even follow them.
I’ll tell you what though, as much as I love my porn. If you can stop killing people. Stop blowing up buildings, flying planes into them, blowing up family planning centers and stop raping children. If you can do this, well then, I will gladly stop watching porn in hotel rooms. I will encourage others to not watch it either. I will also write letters to hotel chains to stop offering it. I won’t force anyone hands. I won’t threaten them with eternal damnation but I will ask, I will offer my opinion for what it is and allow them to make their own informed decisions. Is that fare enough? You get the churches to do this and just watch fast we will see world peace.
The balls in your court religion.
Now, let’s set shit straight with the senate. They have apparently forgot that the world is suffering an economic crisis. If you ignorant hypocritical morons have the time to give speeches about who actually put needle to thread on our US Olympic Uniforms, you have too much god damn time on your hands. You can’t agree on a budget, healthcare or anything else but you are going to bash the US Olympic committee on the made in china uniforms? Really?
You do realize this is a non-government agency don’t you? That you didn’t give a fucking dime to the cause? That the all mighty great American government doesn’t give one red cent to it’s athletes. They have to beg, borrow and steal to take care of our athletes and now two weeks before they proudly head to England you have to cry about who made their uniforms? Really? You do realize this is nothing new right. That their uniforms are most often not made in the US right?
Here’s what I suggest you all do. Take another paid day off and think real hard about what is important. If you democrats and republicans can come together to complain these uniforms then maybe you morons can come together and pass a real budget. Maybe you can actually work together and truly compromise a little here and there and get something done and stop crying about it all so damn much.
I can’t believe my senate has reduced it’s self to becoming clothes bigots. Oh, no wait, yes I can, these are the same people wanted to change the name of French Fries to Freedom Fries. Shame on everyone of you! Here’s a thought, you mindless idiots! How about you offer to donate some money to the committee to pay for new US made uniforms if you care so much? Have you done that yet? No, you haven’t. It’s just easier to lay blame and pound your chest instead of looking for a solution. I am absolutely disgusted with you all.
Get your shit together your embarrassing us all again.